Dr. Jon Oefinger and Dr. Carlos Quezada would like to introduce you to Oefinger Dental & Associates (ODA) where our friendly team of high trained professionals are dedicated to our patients utmost comfort and optimal oral health. ODA offers a whole new level of care for patients of all ages. We view each patient as a unique individual, and tailor each treatment to your specific needs.  As part of our commitment to providing close, personalized attention to every patient, we want to encourage patient communication.  Please know that we are here to provide outstanding patient care, and that we value the trust you have placed in us. Our commitment to your health and comfort is evident from our state-of-the-art facility, which offers the very latest technology and equipment in a warm, comfortable and inviting atmosphere.

 At our offices, we provide a broad range of dental services - from regular checkups and cleanings to fillings, tooth whitening, cosmetic veneers, root canals, crowns and bridges, clear aligners and ortho, gum treatments, implants, and dentures.

At our offices, you will never feel rushed. We take time to learn about your needs, concerns, and any past dental experiences that may have had an impact on your care.  Our ultimate goal is to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy and to help maintain a beautiful smile. 

Dr. Oefinger, Dr. Quezada and their dental team are dedicated to providing you with the personalized, quality dental care that you deserve.  Our patients are our most important asset, and we strive to develop long-lasting, trusting relationships with all of our patients. Your referrals are welcome and appreciated. We look forward to getting to know you!

NEW PATIENTS CLICK HERE to learn about appointments, payment options, find answers to frequently asked questions as well as download patient forms & much more.

As part of our commitment to serving our patients includes providing information that will help them make more informed decisions about their oral health needs.  Our patients should have as much knowledge as possible in order to make informed decisions regarding their oral health and treatment options. We live in a dynamic world which is ever changing. This website will also continue to change with the hope that the information you find here is not only genuinely helpful but will also increase your awareness and understanding about modern dentistry.  


Oefinger And Associates

Shavano Park/Hunter's Creek

13221 NW Military Highway

San Antonio, TX 78231

Phone: (210) 492-5668

Fax: (210) 247-9441


Thousand Oaks 

1583 Thousand Oaks Dr #117

San Antonio, TX 78232

Phone: (210)-495-5023


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